В английском, как и в любом другом языке, существует огромное количество способов сказать человеку "чувак, ну ты сбрендил". Порой эти способы затруднительны для использования не только всвязи с разнообразием эмоциональных оттенкой и подсмыслов, но и просто потому, что не всегда ясно КАК именно то или другое слово использовать.
Я привела небольшую подборку примеров использования 22 основных синонимов слова crazy. Итак:
- Are you crazy?
- Man, you’re insane!
- You drive me nuts!
- If you say that again, I go bananas!
- He is lunatic!
- He went bonkers!
- He’s a wacko!
- Have you gone round the bend?
- He is crazy as a loon.
- He is mad as a hatter.
- Someone is not all there...
- She’s nutty as a fruitcake!
- He's really off his rocker!
- What happens if the Mental Health Court decides that the person was of unsound mind at the time of the offence?
- You are out of your mind!
- You are sick in the head.
- We have gone stark raving mad trying to do it.
- Now, he's just plain batty.
- She was gung ho about her new job.
- Her brother is dotty.
- These slovenly workmen drive me up the wall
- Your nagging is driving me to drink.
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